Wahnsinnswoche 2020:51

Dr. med. Ewald Proll :: Arzt für Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie


"Primary care is dying in this country, largely because the the government which sets both the amount that doctors are reimbursed for their time as well as pattern by which private insurance reimburses, has decided that cognitive skills are less valuable than throwing a lot of procedures at the patient."
Panda Bear, MD (31.12.2007)
"Denn wer erneuert, macht sich alle zum Feind, die aus der alten Ordnung ihre Vorteile zogen. In all jenen aber, denen die neue Ordnung nützen würde, findet er nur lasche Verteidiger."
Niccolo Machiavelli
"This case is weird. Call psych."
"Can rational people ever be comfortable with government control of healthcare through a “single payer” system, knowing that the legislative system of representation is characterized by – and we mean this in the kindest possible way – ignorance, manipulation, short-term thinking, political tribalism and the urge to act in the absence of the facts? Especially when we know that the laws passed will then be administered by unaccountable bureaucracies?"
Dr. Doug Perednia, 11.7.2011
"Das Problem liegt darin, dass die Normen der Industrie auf Krankenhäuser übertragen werden, obwohl es um Menschenleben geht. Der Mensch im Krankenhaus ist heute kein Mensch mehr, sondern eine Fallpauschale."
Ulrich Hildebrandt 21.12.2016


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