Wahnsinnswoche 2019:28

Dr. med. Ewald Proll :: Arzt für Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie


"Es gibt keine Berufsgruppe, die so brutal Menschen ausnutzt, wenn es um das eigene Einkommen geht wie die Ärzteschaft."
Karl Lauterbach (SPD) 2007
"Wir sollten die Leistungsfähigkeit des Bundesnachrichtendienstes nicht durch parlamentarische Untersuchungsausschüsse gefährden."
Wolfgang Schäuble (Bundesinnenminister, 1.11.2007)
"Any eventual reform to health care, regardless of who wins, is going to become the usual mess based first on ideological inclination and then processed through the machine of money, industry influence, political pandering and either "compromise" or "cooperation," depending on how one views unwillingness to demand absolutes."
Healthcare Blog 25.8.2008
"Es ist nicht das Problem, wenn einer eine Maß trinkt, oder wenn er ein paar Stunden da ist, auch zwei."
Günther Beckstein (CSU) zum Thema Alkohol am Steuer 15.9.2008
"When the government and insurers have effectively rationed the medical care you receive, and have forced you to pay out of your pocket to receive timely care, are you getting a rebate on your premiums or on the taxes you pay? Hell, no. You still keep paying the same huge premiums and the same 15% out of your paycheck, but you have fewer and fewer doctors to choose from and you have to wait longer and longer for care."
White Coat 26.11.2008


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