Wahnsinnswoche 2019:09

Dr. med. Ewald Proll :: Arzt für Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie


"Wir hatten den 'größten Feldherrn aller Zeiten', den GröFaZ, und jetzt kommt die größte Verfassungsbeschwerde aller Zeiten."
Wolfgang Schäuble (Bundesinnenminister, 9.11.2007)
"The trouble with many people’s notions of how to bring business innovation to health care is that they are saddled with assumptions that apply to other aspects of the business world, but do not necessarily apply to health care."
The Physician Executive 20.8.2008
"It is my privilege and duty to care for people who come to see me ---- as patients. There is a respect involved with that term which is absent from the term consumer, and which is important in maintaining the dignity of the individual."
Aggravated DocSurg 12.2.2009
"Wenn ich eines morgens in der Zeitung nicht lesen will, dann sind es sachlich falsche Meldungen von Nachrichtenagenturen, über die ich mich am Vorabend schon im Netz geärgert habe."
Stadler, 24.5.2011
"Can rational people ever be comfortable with government control of healthcare through a “single payer” system, knowing that the legislative system of representation is characterized by – and we mean this in the kindest possible way – ignorance, manipulation, short-term thinking, political tribalism and the urge to act in the absence of the facts? Especially when we know that the laws passed will then be administered by unaccountable bureaucracies?"
Dr. Doug Perednia, 11.7.2011


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